Presentazione Watch Over Me, Daniela Sacerdoti

    Il libro che vi presentiamo oggi ha una particolarità: è scritto in lingua inglese.
    L’autrice, al suo debutto letterario,  è italianissima,  trapiantata in Scozia da qualche anno.
    E talentuosa.

    L’uscita del romanzo, edito dalla Black & White Publishing, è prevista per il 10 novembre 2011.

    In attesa della pubblicazione di Watch Over Me e della nostra recensione, vi proponiamo un piccolo assaggio della trama (e qualche info aggiuntiva su Daniela).

    Buona lettura!

    A courageous debut novel, full of integrity and heart. – Cynthia Rogerson

    La trama

    Eilidh Lawson’s life has hit crisis point. Years of failed fertility treatments, a cheating husband and an oppressive family have pushed her to the limits. Desperate for relief, she seeks solace in the only place she’s ever felt at home – a small village in the Scottish Highlands.
    There, Eilidh slowly begins to mend her broken heart but soon learns she is not the only one in the village struggling to recover from a painful past.
    Jamie McAnena, Eilidh’s childhood friend, is trying to raise his daughter Maisie alone.
    After Maisie’s mother left to pursue a career in London and Jamie’s own mother, Elizabeth, passed away, he has resigned himself to being a family of two.
    But sometimes there is more to a story than meets the eye.
    Despite their reluctance, curious circumstances keep bringing Jamie and Eilidh together.
    For even when it seems all is lost, help can come from the most surprising places.

    An ethereal and beautifully written debut novel, Watch Over Me is a poignant story about letting go and moving on – with a little bit of help from beyond the grave.


    Daniela Sacerdoti was born and raised in Italy but has lived in Scotland for the past ten years.
    She holds a degree in Classics from the University of Turin and has taught Italian, Latin and Greek – her great-uncle was the renowned Italian writer Carlo Levi.
    She writes in both English and Italian.
    Watch Over Me is her debut novel.
    She lives in Glasgow.

    40enne, mamma di una ex Vitellina, moglie di un cuoco provetto. Le mie passioni: lettura e scrittura. E ZeBuk. Fresca Expat in quel di Londra, vago come un bambino in un negozio di giocattoli nei mercatini di libri usati. Forse è questo il Paradiso!


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